Personal Website of Levi Neuwirth

About my Compositions

I have been composing for as long as I have been playing an instrument. My earliest musical memories are that of trying to learn pieces by ear and notate them as a beginning student of the trumpet. My musicial intuition is the result of countless hours of effort that I describe as indulgence in the creative process.

I generally consider my compositions from the point that I arrived at Brown University and beyond to be "mature" compositions that I would be comfortable publishing. Much of my work prior to Brown shows promise but warrants revision that I aspire to complete one day; I do not know when I will actually find the time to do this.

Notable compositions below have a link to their own page, which may provide a perusal score, audio / MIDI realization, and information about the context of the piece.

Completed Compositions


Symphony No. 5 (2024) 52'

Worlds of Conflict (2023-2024) 42'

Symphony No. 4 (2023) 36'

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (2023) 28'

Symphony No. 3 (2022) 46'

Iron Stairs for Piano and Orchestra (2022) 20'

Symphony No. 2 (2021) 27'

Candle in the Dark Overture (2021) 3'

FALLING (2021) 7'

Leroux (2021) 6'

Concert Band

Nysgerrighed (2024) 6'

Concerto for Clarinet and Winds (2022) 20'

Compulsion (2021-2022) 6'

The Adirondack Symphony (2021) 32'

Song for Paul (2021) 7'

Shadow's Death (2021) 6'

Karuna (2020) 9'


Brunonian Jeans (2024) 5'

Ring Homomorphism (2023) 7'

Sonata for Cello and Piano (2022) 13'

Sonata for Violin and Piano (2021) 16'

The Rainy Day - Fantasia on a text by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (2021) 5'

Sonata for Trombone and Piano (2020) 11'

Current Projects


Opera with an undisclosed theme (2024-2025): expected Fall 2025

Tone poem with an undisclosed theme (2025): expected Spring 2025

Concerto No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra (2023-2025)


Clarinet Sonata (2024-2025)

Sonata No. 2 for Violin and Piano (2025)